
Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Back Pain Secrets Revealed Part 1

As a Physiotherapist of over twenty years , I have seen  many presentations of lower back pain.

I have seen this present as pain in the bottom part of the spine , pain in the Sacroiliac area, pain in the outer buttocks ,pain in the hip, pain into the leg and pain into the groin hip and pelvis.l

So, you might think that this varied and diverse presentation of symptoms are not related. Now sometimes this can be the case. On the surface.

Because pain in the lower back is a symptom itself.

This lower back area is where the nerves from your spine are placed, so you will experience your back pain in this area of your body  But –  it is not where the cause of your back pain is.

You may think, I don’t really care, I just want my  pain to be gone.

As a physiotherapist I use to treat this way and I did get the pain to be gone. But, it would  soon return . I no longer approach back pain in that way any longer.

Over the next few installments, I will be revealing to you Why your Back pain cannot be just treated Where you experience your pain (your symptom) and I want you to understand that You can treat your own back.

No, I am not talking about some core exercises or pilates classes. I am going to help you to  be able to treat your own back in your own home.

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