
Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Learn All About Back Muscle Pain ; Meatal Stenosis is a Male Thing

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Learn All About Back Muscle Pain

 Muscle strain or pulled muscles have been the cause of most back muscle pain episodes among the Americans. This strain occurs due to heavy physical work all of a sudden or lifting very heavy objects, defying your muscle resistance. The strain causes back muscle to spasm and create significant stiffness. In severe case, the pain becomes inadmissible and makes life a hell, making you totally immovable.

 Ice massage and compression is very helpful in alleviating the pain during the first few hours, particularly if swelling appears. After the initial period passes, heat therapy should be applied to speed up the healing process.

Jacuzzis are also considered therapeutic for muscles, in our case the back muscles. Not only they ease up knotted muscles, they speed up healing process by increasing blood circulation.

 Another subtle cause for back muscle pain is bad posture. Bad posture inhibits blood supply to several areas, especially to the lower back, therefore weakening the muscle group within that area. When the weakened muscle is used, these stiff muscles will stiffen and tear, resulting to a muscle strain.

Muscle tone and flexibility is also a factor in back muscle pain. Rigid muscles tend to snap and tear when held in the extreme. Individuals who don’t see much bending exercise or even stretching will encounter muscle strains more frequently while reaching or bending for something. Recent studies show that the suppleness of the hamstring muscles do contribute to the amount of stress in the lower back. The theory is that tight hamstrings limit the motion of the pelvis, so the motion gets transferred to the bottom lumbar muscles. Elastic hamstrings considerably lessen the strain on the lower back muscles while bending over.

In a nutshell, back muscle pain is just an after effect of a poor muscle tone. The best way to counter back muscle pain is exercise. Supple, elastic muscles prevent tearing and strain which in turn prevents back muscle pain. So do good posture and form, which encourages proper blood circulation.

Meatal Stenosis is a Male Thing

 Meatal is generally referred to the opening in the penis through which the urine normally passes through. Meatal stenosis is very rare among girls and is generally found among the boys. Even if the girls suffer from it, have it at from the time of birth only and might cause bed wetting and infection of the urinary tract. Meatal stenosis is referred to that state where there is narrowing of the meatas due to scarring caused at the tip of the penis. People who suffer from meatal stenosis may take it longer to urinate and also can sometimes feel difficulties while urinating. It won’t be out of place to mention that this condition is more common in circumcised boys. Symptoms of meatal stenosis are common when they are between the ages of 3 to 8 years of age.

 Now let us discuss some of the symptoms. People having this condition will often experience difficulties in urinating, spraying the urine.
In some cases blood can also accompany with the urine and the person may even take a longer time to urinate and may even feel a burning sensation. We should also be clear of the fact that it is not a contagious disease.

As for the test and exams, all you have to go through is an examination of the symptoms and medical history of the patient which is enough to understand the complications. While in the case of girls, a simple test called voiding cystourethrogram is done to authenticate the disease.

Meatal stenosis is generally treated with the help of surgery, mostly in the doctor's chamber and can be performed at your home as well.

As regards the preventive steps, you should be careful of the diapers, keep him away from wet and sticky underwears and also from irritation causing detergents and soaps

Lastly, if any of the symptoms are evident, immediately consult a doctor as this problem can persist if not treated well.

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