
Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Pregnancy Back Pain ;Sciatica Pain;Sciatica Pain May Be Unbearable! ;Sciatica Symptoms

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Pregnancy Back Pain ;Sciatica Pain;Sciatica Pain May Be Unbearable! ;Sciatica Symptoms
Pregnancy Back Pain

 All women go through the family life cycle including procreation. It is mostly taken for granted that procreation process will be a smooth phenomenon. It usually is for the majority of the women population. The remaining may suffer from minor to major complications. The symptom of pregnancy back pain not only reduces efficiency but causes suffering as well.

On the basis of a study done in America on Pregnancy Back Pain prevalence the result was both disturbing and comforting at the same time. Pregnant mother suffers lower back and pelvis pain mostly in the 36th week of pregnancy. The most soothing and pacifying information this study projects is that back pain is pregnancy linked and subsides three months after the delivery.

 The mothers-to-be need to take precautionary measures during pregnancy to protect the back such as following posture laid out techniques for bending walking etc are to be implemented during actual work. The Back Pain may not then erupt at all or remains in bearable intensity.

Many physiological changes accompany inception. The body of the pregnant woman begins to gear up the bodily systems to firstly to accommodate a new life inside the body and secondly for easy delivery. One of the hormone body produces in abundance at this time is Relaxin. Its most vital function is to relax the joints in the pelvis for easy exit of the new born. However, it also acts on other body joints at times giving rise to inflammation and pain.

One other explanation for pregnancy back pain is structural. The fetus develops inside the mother’s womb gaining in size with each passing day. The expanding abdomen forgoes some of its posture functions. The growing weight carrying activity is passed from the torso to the back. It results in back pain in the pregnant women.
Pregnancy Back Pain ;Sciatica Pain;Sciatica Pain May Be Unbearable! ;Sciatica Symptoms
Sciatica Pain

 Sciatica is a general term used for a chronic pain but some times it is described as an electrical-like-shock. It usually starts from the buttock and travels down to the thighs or legs. But, I tell you the fact- sciatica is a term which is used to describe the pain that travels in the sciatica nerve. Thus, sciatica means symptoms caused by disorder in lumbar spine. For your further information let me tell you that sciatica nerve is the longest nerve in human body. To understand it deeply lets read about some common symptoms.

Usually sciatica pain attacks on one side of the body, usually it starts from buttock and travels down to leg which becomes very sharp and acute. This pain can make you feel the sensation of burning or shooting and may cause numbness or itching too. While sitting or standing you will feel strong pain in the area of the thighs or back. Even your pain may increase because of coughing and sneezing.

 Now the question that arises, what a man needs to do when he finds himself suffering in sciatica pain. That for sure that anybody can be victim of sciatica pain, it’s far too common in young men. First of all, you need to diagnose the causes of sciatica pain. Your doctor will need some physical tests and X-Rays of several parts of your body and he may also inquire about your previous lifestyle just to confirm whether you have been victim of any severe disease or not. After diagnosing he can suggest you some exercises like.             

1. Lie on floor with your back down on floor and prop up the upper part of your body on your elbow.
2. Stand up right with your hand on hips and start bending your body backward, hold your body at 60 degree angle and repeat it 5 times a day.
Pregnancy Back Pain ;Sciatica Pain;Sciatica Pain May Be Unbearable! ;Sciatica Symptoms
Sciatica Pain May Be Unbearable!

 Sciatica pains complaint occurs frequently among the population. Even though it is a universal problem its etiology is known to few. The pain gets its name from a nerve of similar name in the body. It is not hard to guess that this nerve is inflicted in this condition.

The specific pain eruption is in the lower back or in the leg. It is here that the large Sciatica Nerve exists. The cause could be traced to the lower spine where the nerve root is embedded in its natural position. Only when the Sciatica Nerve is compressed pinched or twisted the sensation of pain is felt. Thus, Sciatica Pain is due to pressure and inflammation of the nerve root.

In the language of the medical fraternity such a condition is called radiculopathy. To a lay man it can be explained as the condition when a spinal disc has moved from its natural position. This has resulted in a push on the radicular nerve present in the lower back. It forms a portion of the Sciatic nerve.

 What does a person experience? Sciatica Pain has different influence on individuals. Some only find it a source of irritation while for others it is so severe that not only do they suffer physically but also work-wise.

The continuous pains inception is from lower back thigh. It emits towards the leg and then and diffuses. The point of affliction of the nerve is the deciding factor is how far the pain will travel. At times it even reaches the foot and the toes. If left untreated it can get worse.

The critical group is those who fall between the age group of 35-55. It is a problem erupting out of the normal wear and tear of the body. Treatments are precautions lead to improvement. Non surgical treatments are also effective.
 Pregnancy Back Pain ;Sciatica Pain;Sciatica Pain May Be Unbearable! ;Sciatica Symptoms
Sciatica Symptoms

 Sciatica is the pain that starts from our back and carried towards our lower part of the legs passing through the buttocks. This pain is often accompanied by back pain and neck pain. Doctors sometimes confuse sciatica with neck and back pain. It should be kept in mind that before starting the treatment let your doctor know the kind of pain you feel. As a simple misjudgment can cause lots of problem.

The doctor you consult should be aware of the symptoms of sciatica very well. He should know what kind of treatment has to be given to you. There is no need to consult many doctors. Consult a single doctor and let him know what the problem is as he will be the person who will suggest you the treatment. Sciatica has many symptoms, out of them some are common to the back pain.

 The sciatic pain often starts from the back. Then it passes through the buttock and reaches the lower part of our leg. Sometimes people misjudge it by back pain and take rest of day or two. The sciatic pain may lessen by rest of a day or two but it starts as soon as you get to work. This pain should not be taken lightly and consultation of the doctor should be taken as soon as you start feeling the pain.

Following are the main sciatica symptoms:
1.pain in the lower part of the foot or leg
2.pain in the back
3.the lower part of the leg and the calves become numb
4.the pain in the back increases as the patient coughs or does any other physical activity
5.the weakening of the muscles of the leg start
6.the buttocks suffer needle like sensation in its muscles
7.the pain in the leg that is affected is regular

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