
Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Pyloric Stenosis /Spinal Stenosis ;A Simple Guide to Lumbar Spinal Canal Stenosis ; An Overview On Spinal Stenosis ;How to Treat Stenosis

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Pyloric Stenosis /Spinal Stenosis ;A Simple Guide to Lumbar Spinal Canal Stenosis ; An Overview On Spinal Stenosis ;How to Treat Stenosis
Pyloric Stenosis

 Each and every parent in this world prays for the good health of his or her kid, but some diseases like pyloric stenosis often increase their tension. It is a disease among the infants in which the child vomits with a lot of force and is sometimes accompanied by other problems like fluid imbalances, salt imbalances and dehydration. Gastrointestinal tract is the affected portion in this disease.

Pyloric stenosis is a problem in which the pylorus gets a narrower shape. Pylorus is the lower portion of our stomach. Stomach contents like food have to pass through the pylorus before entering the small intestine.

 In pyloric stenosis, the muscles of the pylorus get thick and they obstruct the passage of the food into the small intestine. This disease has become fairly common among the infants these days. Male infants have a larger chance of suffering this disease. Chances of suffering from this disease increase by 20%, if the parents had ever shown the signs of this problem. It has also been founded that children with blood groups O and B are more prone to pyloric stenosis.

Infants who suffer from this are mostly 2 weeks to 2 months old and it has been seen that the disease shows symptoms after 3 months or so. It has become the most common disease among infants which is mostly treated by surgery.

The exact cause for the thickening of the pylorus is still not known as the doctors consider the involvement and combination of several factors which cause it. Different researchers have different views. Some say that maternal hormones are the main cause while other state allergy is the main cause that results in the swelling of the pylorus.
Vomiting after milk is the main symptom that a child shows. 

Spinal Stenosis

 Our back bone is the bone that is the base of our body. Our back bone bears all the weight of our body. But a small problem which can put us into lots of trouble is spinal stenosis. It is a problem in which the one or more areas of the spinal chord get narrower. Mostly these areas are located in the lower portion or the upper portion of our back. Spinal stenosis has almost same symptoms to that of back sciatica, so, it should not be confused with sciatica. Some such problems led by this disorder are:

1. cramping in the back muscles
2. the sensation in the buttocks of the patient are reduced
3. the numbness in the legs and shoulder
4. severe pain in the neck, back and arms
5. sometimes it also affects the gall bladder and the bowel functioning

 Spinal stenosis in its mild state can be cured by painkillers or medications and simple exercises but in the severe cases the doctors always suggest surgery.

Most of the patients suffering from spinal stenosis are more than 45 years old. This is due to the reason that it is mostly caused due to the wear and tear of the spinal chord. Similar to the functioning of machinery, when our body grows old it also faces wear and tear.

In spinal stenosis, the pain in the leg increases while walking but in decreases while sitting. It mostly occurs in the lower part of the back which is the main reason for the starting of the sciatic pain. From here the sciatic pain further runs through the buttock till the lower part of the leg. It is not just limited to the people of old age rather it can also occur to the young people who are born with the narrow spinal chord.

A Simple Guide to Lumbar Spinal Canal Stenosis

 There is some space in your lower spine area from where the nerves connecting the brain to legs pass. It is this area which is called the Lumbar Spinal Canal. The canal is rather narrow and with aging it tends to get filled with bone and tissue growth. As a result, the nerves passing through the space get squeezed. This results in pain in the back (primarily lower back), pain in the legs and a significant degree of weakness. Apart from this, there are other causes of lumbar spinal canal stenosis including general wear and tear of spinal cord and in some cases- arthritis.

Common Symptoms
The primary symptom of this disease is extreme pain in legs and back which may be accompanied by numbness in certain cases. People who are suffering from this disease report that they feel weakness and weariness. In some cases, feeling of being cramped may also occur. Primarily the symptoms are more pronounced when the patient is standing or walking. This may be credited to the load being put on legs and the canal getting blocked. As is obvious, the symptoms are very less pronounced when the patient is sitting or lying on a bed because of the fact that pressure on the spinal cord is considerably reduced and the canal gets widened.

 Difference from a Ruptured Disc
A number of people tend to confuse this problem with that of a ruptured disc. Fact is that both are extremely different. In case the disc has been ruptured, it would only affect one or two nerves. Such pain is termed as Sciatica. Since only a limited number of nerves are impacted by this problem, it will not affect both the legs in general conditions. Instead only one leg gets affected. Plus, unlike the canal trouble which is more pronounced when the patient is standing or walking, a ruptured disc would hurt all the time, regardless of the position.

Generally the health care practitioners would be able to determine the presence of this disease by the symptoms but in some cases they may ask you to undergo X-Ray or other bone and spine related tests.

Generally, the treatment of Lumbar Spinal Canal Stenosis depends upon the intensity of and occurrence of symptoms. For people who have just started to experience the pain and where the intensity of pain is not extreme, it is advised that a proper physical training regimen be implemented. The focus is to improve overall posture of the patient. For some cases where matters have become complicated, spine surgery is the only practical and effective solution.
An Overview On Spinal Stenosis

 Spinal stenosis is a condition where in spinal canal narrows down and results in compression of spinal cord and nerves. This type of narrowing causes extra pressure and initiates a severe pain in the spine. The condition is more prevalent in old age- around 50 to 55 years of age. Those who hurt their spine or born with a narrow spinal cord may experience it in the young age as well.

Our spine (back bone) is virtually the bedrock on which our whole standing and sitting postures depend upon. It consists of 26 bones and protects the spinal cord from getting injured. But at times a sudden jerk, accident or mishap can severely hurt your spine or any of its part. Also, the degeneration of spine is natural process. And with age you may experience it.

Causes of spinal stenosis
Causes of spinal stenosis are varied. Due to the daily wear and tear of the human body, the bones degrade over the time and joints and other crucial body parts also undergo huge changes resulting in pain.

Osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis are two degenerative disorders, that can become a major cause of spinal stenosis. In some people, the spinal cord gets curved or is smaller from the time of birth which results in spinal stenosis. There are also some miscellaneous causes such as tumors of the spine, some kind of injury or accident, excessive fluoride in the body and alike.

 Symptoms of spinal stenosis
Regarding the symptoms of spinal stenosis, you should become careful when your pain appears to be originating in the lower back and slipping to the knees and the foot. The pain can be a tingling one but can also escalate to an unbearable one. Also, in some severe conditions there may be improper functioning of the bladder and bowel and loss of feeling in both the legs.

You should immediately consult a doctor if any of these signs appear in you. The doctors have a variety of tests that can further verify your condition. These tests generally include X-ray, MRI or CT scan, Myelogram and bone test.

Treatment of spinal scoliosis
For the treatment methods, you have a lot of options. If your stenosis is not a major one, a few prescribed painkillers and anti-inflammatory medicines can definitely help you. But, for severe cases, you definitely need to go for a surgery. Apart from this, you can also try some off track treatments like exercising, acupuncture and chiropractic care.

But, while exercising, do not do too much weight training and strictly avoid jerking or twisting anything. It is advisable to take the help of a physical trainer if you seriously want to cure your stenosis through exercise.

How to Treat Stenosis
 Narrowing of the bones, one or more can put a lot a pressure on the spinal cord and the nerves of the affected area. This condition is generally termed as spinal stenosis. The pain due to stenosis is unbearable and occurs in the legs. Sometimes, the pain even can be felt in the arms and shoulders. There may also be numbness or cramping feeling. You may even incur functioning problems in the bladder or bowel. Because of this, many reasons or the kind of complications they create, people are always in the quest of how to treat stenosis? Regarding the treatment, it depends a lot on the severity or the status of the condition.

 First, the doctor takes a physical examination and inquires about the medical history of the patient. The first type of treatment is the non-steroidal, anti inflammatory drugs. There are a lot of them like ibuprofen, aspirin and indomethacin. They relieve pain and inflammation. There is an extent to which they can relieve you of the pain. They have a number of undesirable side effects.

The second type of drugs is the analgesics. But they only reduce pain and not inflammation. They can cause problems in the liver and the kidney. Many people who have degeneration in several areas of the spine wear braces. It is also worn by people whose abdominal muscles are weak. There are many people who do not like to take medicines.

The best treatment in their cases is to go for some rest and to avoid doing those things that triggers the pain .But here we have to remember that prolonged rest will in fact increase your spinal condition. Another option you can try out is exercises. You can try doing some stretching, exercises and yoga. Aerobics can also help. For complete recovery, there is surgery. It is the best treatment to cure spinal stenosis.

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