
Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Spinal Stenosis Treatment `,Spinal stenosis treatment, Surgery may be the last refuge! ,;Surgical Treatments For Back Pain

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Spinal Stenosis Treatment `,Spinal stenosis treatment, Surgery may be the last refuge! ,;Surgical Treatments For Back Pain
Spinal Stenosis Treatment

 Stenosis is defined as the narrowing of the spinal column. While some believe that spinal stenosis is a congenital condition and cannot be pre-diagnosed or prevented. Researches show that osteoarthritis (an arthritic condition), herniation of the discs, ligament changes, spine tumors and sometimes serious type of accidents may cause severe spinal stenosis.
Thus, there is extra pressure exerted on the spinal cord due to which there may be pain, numbness or cramping feeling. Sometimes, the pain may also spread to the arms and shoulders.

Regarding the causes of this pain, people usually have two types of beliefs. Firstly, the more popular one is that the pain occurs due to the old age of a person; wherein the bones and nerves undergo a degradation process. The second belief is that this is a congenital disease, meaning one had acquired it at the time of his birth. Some other causes of spinal stenosis include, osteoarthritis (an arthritic condition), herniation of the discs, ligament changes, tumors in the spine and serious accidents.

 For the most extreme cases of severe spinal stenosis, surgery is the only option. The most common form of surgery for stenosis is called microdiscectomy or micro-decompression spinal surgery. In carrying out this surgery, a small portion of the cartilage or the bone is removed from under the nerve root. This relieves the neural impingement and greater space for the nerve is created. The nerve not only gets free from the pinch but also gets space for healing faster. It becomes imperative to calculate the time of recovery it would take after surgery and the post-operative physical therapy which is necessary to recover. Before recommending surgery, your response to non-surgical medications is taken into account. Surgery, is always the last option to be recommended. Physicians usually seek to alleviate the pain with the help of analgesics and other medications combined with exercise and physical therapy like yoga to cure the problem.
Spinal Stenosis Treatment `,Spinal stenosis treatment, Surgery may be the last refuge! ,;Surgical Treatments For Back Pain

Spinal stenosis treatment, Surgery may be the last refuge!

 When the narrowing of spinal bones starts putting pressure on the spinal cord or on the spinal nerve, the body movements get into a spin. This nerve compression affects the communication between the brain and the body. Thus, one or many organs may experience sensory problems or loss of sensation. The compression may occur in the intervertebral foramen, spinal canal and in the nerve root canals. The location of the compression can be limited to one area or might be spread throughout the different sections of the spine.

Treatment: At the initial stage of the spinal stenosis, physiotherapy and medications may prove to be helpful but the advanced stages of the disease require surgery. Most of the people experience relief immediately after an intensive physiotherapy regime. Flexion, chiropractic, massage and acupuncture are the other techniques which fetch good results for the patient..

 As for the medications, mostly doctors prescribe anti-inflammatory and muscle relaxers to provide relief from the spinal stenosis symptoms. And if these techniques do not prove to be fruitful, epidural cortisone healing or the nerve blocks may work.

In any case, there are many people who require surgery to treat their spinal stenosis. To provide relief to the nervous system within the vertebrae, the outpatient arthroscopic surgery might be sufficient that basically opens up the intervertebral foramen to relax the nerve cord from the surrounding structures.

In some cases, whole spinal cord needs to be de-compressed, hence, an open surgery is performed. Laminectomy is a surgical procedure that is taken into practice to properly decompress the nerve cord. Removal of enough bone and tissue structure from the spinal column is required to do so.

As for conservative treatments, though, it relieves the stenosis symptoms for some time but it is not that effective in the long run. Since the disease progresses gradually, an operation is inevitable in the long run and it is the only viable way to correct the degrading and to relieve pressure on the nerve. There is no denying that spinal stenosis can be very draining disease.

For quite sometime the doctors are trying to find good results with the conservative treatment. These treatments may include anti-inflammatory medications, pain killers and physiotherapy. Sometimes steroid injections or nerve blocks are also used to lessen the pain.

However, in case of uncontrollable pain or severe symptoms of cord compression, it is hard to avoid the surgery which is to relieve pressure on the spinal nerves. Surgical options like laminectomy or corpectomy provide more space in the spinal canal and rule out any damage to the nerve.

Minimally invasive surgery or the laser surgeries are the latest developments in the field of spinal stenosis. An endoscope is used, though it may or may not be equipped with a microscope to see the internal structure of the spine. The latest microsurgical technology allows the doctor to operate precisely and delicately.

Surgical Treatments For Back Pain

 Surgery is recommended for the patients only when other treatments like medications, exercise, electrical stimulation, and alike fail to treat the back pain successfully. Those patients who have severe, constant and progressive muscle weakness caused by compression of the nerves, need surgery treatment to relieve their back pain.

Some of the back or spine surgeries include:

Laminectomy: In laminectomy, the pain caused by bone spurs or disc fragments is relieved by removing the part of a vertebrae. It is also useful in removing the benign tumors on the spine. Although some small risks are attached to this surgery which sometimes make it unsuccessful. The ultimate aim of laminectomy is to relieve pressure on the spinal nerve by widening the spinal canal. Laminectomy can be performed with or without removing the part of the disc.

Disectomy: Disectomy also involves the removal of diseased disc thus relieving the pressure on the spine. In this only a part of disc is removed which is responsible for putting pressure on the nerve. Although its long term success is not 100 %.

Microdisectomy: The current procedure used is the microdisectomy is that of making a small incision (1 to 1 ½ inch). In this procedure, the discs are lifted and moved away from the spine. Then the injured disc tissue is removed after identifying and moving the nerve root. No change is found in the structures supporting the spine like ligaments, muscles and joints. It uses microscope for its operation.

 Spinal fusion: In this process two vertebrae are joined together by bone graft or any other device. Metal plates and screws are also used to attach the bones which are to be joined as an internal brace. A tiny hollow metal cage implanted in to the disc space is used in most spinal fusion surgeries. Then the bone is removed from the patient's hip and packed inside the cage. As the time increases, the bone grows through the holes fusing the vertebrae. When the adjacent bones grow together to form single bone, then fusion occurs.

 Other procedures include:
Endoscopic disectomy: It uses a thin tube containing cameras and surgical instruments which are inserted through small incisions.

Percutaneous disectomy: It uses a tube having a device at the tip which cuts away some of the nucleus pulposus and vacuum and then sucks the gelatinous matter out.

Laser disc decompression: It is similar to percutaneous disectomy but it uses laser energy to remove the disc tissue. This energy comes through a needle destroying nucleus pulposus thus reducing the pressure on the nerve.

So these are some of the surgical treatments for curing back pain. Depending upon the type of cause and severity of the pain, appropriate surgery can be recommended to the patient.

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