
Sunday, January 6, 2013

Suffering from Severe lower back pain? / Obesity and Lower Back Pain in Women

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Suffering from Severe lower back pain?
There are numerous cases in medical treatment for lower back pain which can be dealt with in a minor or severe way. Lower back pain is one of the most common ailments that a person suffers during a strenuous workout session or due to old age. It affects almost every fourth person in the world sometimes during his period of lifetime.

The lower back pain is the most known muscular-skeletal abnormality which originates and affects the lower back and spreads out towards the ribs and lines up in a uniform way with the spine if not diagnosed at an early level of the pain stage.  The lower back pain is classified as an acute, sub acute or minor and chronicle depending upon the duration of days it is suffered from. When the level reaches its duration for more than twelve weeks then the ailment gets the term of severe lower back pain.

The main reason for this severe lower back pain is the spraining of the delicate tissue and muscular ligaments in the back and leading to severe pain during workloads. The back portion which stops the vertebrae from brushing against each other is called the lumbar region and it also saves the spinal cord from injury or shock. The muscles situated there might get torn due to some physical abnormalities or during strenuous job performance by the body.

Aids for Severe Lower Back Pain
There are numerous aids and proper treatment for the person suffering from acute lower back pain which serves as inhibitor as well as providing stability to the thoracic region. Certain physiotherapies, light exercises, self care, proper rest and spray medicines serve a lot in reducing the acute pain for a plenty of time. Some of the common treatments can be in the form of heat therapies, cold brushing therapies, ultrasonic applications and simulation by electricity.

The best way to fight severe lower back pain can be accommodated by inducing self care for the body as well as maintaining the shape of the lumbar vertebrae and the region surrounding it.
Suffering from Severe lower back pain? / Obesity and Lower Back Pain in Women
Obesity and Lower Back Pain in Women
Getting overweight spells doom for women in variegated ways, prominent among them being the resurgence of lower back pain in women.  Obesity has negative impact on the lower vertebral column and conduces to development and progression of pain in lower back region.

The augmented pressure owing to accumulation of extra flab in the abdominal and back region will put sufficient stress on the lumbar region that is difficult for the inter vertebral discs to stand. In the long run, this mechanical stress will result in slipped disc paving way for acute lower back pain in women. Obesity indirectly affects the discs of vertebrae region by gradually giving rise to atherosclerosis which hampers the flow of blood to the lumbar spine.

Women who start gaining abnormal weight by the age of twenty three are bound to complain of lower back pain within a short span of ten years or so. The delicate biological setup starts facing the adversity relatively early which will make the pain chronic in the later stages. With the advancement of age, it gets really difficult to get rid of unwanted body flab and lumbo sacral radicular symptoms starts surfacing prominently which indicates to persistent and recurring lower back pain in women, mostly above forty. The symptoms start adopting a more degenerative nature when the women cross their fifties. Numerous researches in this regard have concretely linked lower back pain in women with their excessive body weight.

It is recommended to religiously follow a daily workout schedule for working women or those involved in sedentary jobs. This is to be complemented by a balanced diet of light nature. Eating too much at one go is detrimental to health and the diet is to be distributed throughout the day to keep extra flab from accumulating. Mothers who have conceived should never miss on exercises in the post pregnancy period.

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