
Sunday, January 6, 2013

The Best Home Remedies For Lower Back Pain Relief / Severe lower back pain – a severe problem / Nonspecific Causes of Lower Back Pain Left Side?

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The Best Home Remedies For Lower Back Pain Relief
Lower back pain is the most common ailment that affects almost all grown up individuals irrespective of age and gender.

It would be difficult to come across people who have not suffered at least one episode of back pain in their entire life. The reason for lower back pains being so common is because, the back muscles are subject to a lot of rough use and at times they become too much for the muscle to handle.

Furthermore, the lower spinal column also absorbs a lot of shock and stress and when it is not able to do it anymore, the same is reflected by acute back pain. All cases of acute pain are temporary in nature and they usually subside after a few days of medications and rest. However, if the pain is ignored and not taken care of after a period of time they become chronic low back pains which become very difficult to handle and control. The best way to treat low back pain is to go in for commonly tested and tried lower back pain relief techniques. These techniques are simple to follow and not expensive to say the least.

While drugs and medications may give temporary symptomatic relief they cannot offer permanent cure. Furthermore, indiscreet use of pain killers and NSAIDs may lead to other complications like gastric irritations and organ failure. Hence, the safest and effective lower back pain relief method is through some time tested and tried exercises and home remedies. There are a number of home remedies that can work wonder on even the most chronic of low back pains.

Warm water and ice treatments are very good as initial pain relief methods. However, the treatment should not be continued for long periods of time and should be restricted only to 10 or 15 minutes at the most. The next important lower back pain relief that is very popular is a mixture of stretching exercises that should be done under the advice and recommendation of your personal physician or physiotherapist.
The Best Home Remedies For Lower Back Pain Relief / Severe lower back pain – a severe problem
Lower back pain, also known as lumbago, is a muscular disorder which is found commonly amongst people. Recent survey has shown that nearly eighty per cent of the people are affected with this pain at some point or the other during their life time.

Lower Back pain is of different types, it can be acute, sub-acute or chronic. Severe lower back pain is usually quite chronic, that is, it is difficult to cure and is also long lasting. If strict measures are taken then  this kind of pain problem can be improved within few weeks , but if a person is suffering from a severe lower back pain then it becomes a little difficult to get rid of.

Most of the back pains are due to musculoskeletal problems which may be because of sprain or strain on the muscles or tissues. This pain affects a person adversely if he or she tries to do some physical work that exerts a lot of pressure on the back thereby affecting the spines.

If the pain is acute then it lasts for not more than four weeks but if it is sub-acute then this problem may extend up to twelve weeks. In case of a severe lower back pain, more than twelve weeks might be required to improve the problem.

The most effective way to prevent or reduce back pain is exercise. Consulting a physiotherapist who can advise on the kind of exercise one needs to perform and the physical activities that should be avoided, is the best solution to prevent the reoccurrence of this pain. In fact physical therapies such as heat, massage, some kind of electrical and stimulation can also prove quite beneficial. If the problem of severe lower back pain still continues then surgically it can be cured such as spinal fusion, laminectomy, and discectomy etcetera.
The Best Home Remedies For Lower Back Pain Relief / Severe lower back pain – a severe problem  / Nonspecific Causes of Lower Back Pain Left Side?

Lower back pain left side can affect a person’s life to a considerable extent. Mild pain is short-lived, but it if the pain is prolonged, a person must seek the help of a doctor. There can be several causes of a lower back pain. Nonspecific causes are the most common types of causes behind this kind of pain.

The nonspecific lower back pain causes include all the mild causes of back pain. The only disadvantage of nonspecific causes is that they are not specific. There are no evident causes of such problems. This article will discuss some of the nonspecific causes of lower back pain left side.

Facet joint strain – This can be one of reasons behind acute lower back pain, left side. The spinal cord is made up of bones that are overlapped by vertebrae. The structure thus formed is called facet joints. These joints are prone to sore with rigorous stress and pressure. Thankfully, this problem is not very grave as pain relief balms and pills can do the magic in this regard. According to a recent research, a mixture of anti-inflammatory pills and a bit of spinal manipulation can help in alleviating this type of lower back pain.

Aging variations – With age, joints and ligaments undergo significant changes. Age can lead to stiffness in the facet joints that are situated at the back.  Degenerative disc disease can lead to central pain.

Sacroiliac joint pain – The sacroiliac joint is a stable joint. This joint can show problems with limited movements or extensive movements. This can lead to lower back pain, left side.

Referred pain – This is a pain that is felt at a distance from the actual site of the cause. For an instance, a problem in the gall bladder can lead to pain in the shoulder blade.

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