Information that we provide to you below,which include (1) back pain and ways to treat back pain (2) Physical therapy for back pain (3) information on senior doctors to treat back pain (4) and various treatments for back pain .therapy for back pain (5) The causes of back pain Tutorials (6) lower back pain pain upper back pain .center of the back .Information we come out of specialists and .senior doctors and prime locations .specialized in the treatment of back pain Put General Information and not any copyrights and mention source on other sites .But all these topics to sing about consulting a doctor continued Disclaimer.
Disclaimer : All content within (Back pain) Health is provided for general information only, and should not be treated as a substitute for the medical advice of your own doctor or any other health care professional. The (Back pain) is not responsible or liable for any diagnosis made by a user based on the content of the (Back pain) Health website. The (Back pain) is not liable for the contents of any external internet sites listed, nor does it endorse any commercial product or service mentioned or advised on any of the sites.Always consult your own GP if you're in any way concerned about your health.
What Is A Herniated Disc /Scoliosis Brace /Early Detection of Aortic valve stenosis, Early Treatment!
What Is A Herniated Disc
In a herniated disc, part of the disc shifts and irritates the nearby nerve. Herniated discs are common among the age group of 30 to 40 years. A disc becomes weak with age or after an injury. In a herniated disk, the nucleus tissue generally located in the center of the disk is forced out. For more information on "what is a herniated disc", read.
If the disc moves in any direction except the direction in which the nerves are, the pain is minimal. But, the spinal canal into which the movement takes place has limited space, hence the herniated disc is pressed against the spinal nerves. This results in the symptoms of numbness, pain or weakness in the lower back or leg. The herniated disc is the cause of lower back pain and leg numbing, mid back pain and even pain in back of head.
A herniated disc causes pain, loss of feeling, tingling, or muscle weakness. Non Steroidal Anti-inflammatory Drugs (NSAIDs) are often used for relieving back pain. If the pain is really severe, your doctor may prescribe medications for back pain such as Codeine. Exercises for back pain help in back pain treatment as an easily available pain therapy. The specially designed chair for back pain can also be used for back pain remedy.Some other things that may help, include:
1) Holding an object close to the body when carrying it.
2) Bending the knees and hips when lifting something and keeping the back straight.
3) Good posture.
4) Avoiding sleeping on the stomach.===
What Is A Herniated Disc /Scoliosis Brace /Early Detection of Aortic valve stenosis, Early Treatment!
Scoliosis Brace
Scoliosis is one of the most complicated disorders of the spine. The deformity of the spine has a disfiguring result on your back. In a ratio of men and women, it has been found that for one man there are four female victims of this congenital disorder. The spine curvature degree, if more than 20 degrees, is considered scoliosis with greater intensity. The spine having larger curves tends to progress more than smaller curves. Children who have delayed skeletal maturity are more prone to the progression of the spine. Scoliosis with greater curvature has a tendency to progress to more than 70 degrees, giving a disfiguring shape to the back.
After diagnosis of scoliosis, your doctor would decide whether you need scoliosis brace or not.
Sometimes, the scoliosis stops at a certain point. It grows fast when a child tends to move towards adolescence. The braces meant for scoliosis depends on the curvature and the type of progression. Basically, it is meant to check the growth of the curvature and to shape the spine. Scoliosis braces gives a firm support to the back and exerts pressure on the bend of the spine to resist its progression. You cannot make a choice of the braces; it is your doctor who will decide what kind of brace would fit you most.
The braces are known by different names due to their shape and function.
Thoracolumbosacral Orthosis (TLSO)
Also called 'Boston Brace'. Underarm is another name of this brace that can be easily worn under the clothes. The brace applies a three-point pressure to your scoliosis curvature.
Cervicothoracolumbosacral Orthosis
Also called Milwaukee Brace and is almost identical to TLSO. You need to wear it for 22 to 23 hours a day. If the curve of the spine is near the thoracic region, this kind of brace is prescribed.
What Is A Herniated Disc /Scoliosis Brace /Early Detection of Aortic valve stenosis, Early Treatment!
Early Detection of Aortic valve stenosis, Early Treatment!
Background: Subclavian steal phenomenon (SSP) refers to subclavian artery steno-occlusive disease proximal to the origin of the vertebral artery and is associated with flow reversal in the vertebral artery. In 1960, Reivich recognized the association between this phenomenon and neurologic symptoms while in 1961, Contorni described retrograde flow in the vertebral artery. Fisher dubbed this combination of retrograde vertebral flow and neurologic symptoms subclavian steal syndrome (SSS), suggesting that blood is stolen by the ipsilateral vertebral artery from the contralateral vertebral artery. It was later suggested that such "steal" may cause brainstem ischemia and stroke, either continuously or secondary to arm exercise.
The term SSS may be defined for retrograde vertebral artery flow associated with transient neurologic symptoms related to cerebral ischemia. SSP refers to retrograde flow in the vertebral artery only. First diagnosed angiographically in the early 1960s, SSS is now most commonly diagnosed during Doppler ultrasound (US) examination of the neck arteries.
Pathophysiology: The primary lesion causing vertebral artery flow reversal is proximal subclavian artery stenosis or occlusion, resulting in decreased blood pressure in the arm distal to the steno-occlusive disease. This pressure reduction initially causes ipsilateral vertebral artery blood flow alteration provided the subclavian disease is proximal to the origin of the vertebral artery.
Ultimately, a flow reversal occurs in the ipsilateral vertebral artery as compensatory collateral to the compromised vascular territory beyond the subclavian steno-occlusive lesion. Other potential collateral pathways are those between the external carotid artery (ECA) and the subclavian artery, from the occipital branch of the ECA to the deep cervical branch of the costocervical trunk, and from the superior thyroid artery of the ECA to the inferior thyroid artery branch of the thyrocervical trunk.
Classification of subclavian steal can be defined by territory from which blood is stolen, as described by Vollmar et al. Vollmar recognized four types of subclavian steal: vertebro-vertebral, carotid-basilar, external carotid-vertebral and carotid-subclavian (can only occur with occlusion of brachiocephalic artery). Another classification is based on vertebral artery hemodynamics as described by Branchereau and colleagues. Hemodynamic abnormalities ranged from reduced antegrade vertebral flow (stage I), reversal of flow during reactive hyperemia testing of the arm (stage II), and permanent retrograde vertebral flow (stage III). The three stages correlate with disease severity with stage III, usually indicating subclavian artery occlusion.
Arm symptoms may be provoked by an increased blood flow requirement to the compromised upper extremity (eg. during arm exercise or after producing peripheral reactive hyperemia by arm cuff inflation), or, alternatively, by limiting vertebral compensatory flow to the subclavian artery (eg during neck movements).
Subclavian steno-occlusive disease produces neurologic symptoms when compensatory flow to the subclavian artery from the vertebral artery diverts too much flow toward the arm and away from intracranial structures. The quality of collateral blood supply and the capacity to increase collateral flow to the intracranial circulation (brainstem in particular) may be the principle determinant as to which patient develops neurologic symptomatology.
What Is A Herniated Disc /Scoliosis Brace /Early Detection of Aortic valve stenosis, Early Treatment!
Information that we provide to you below,which include (1) back pain and ways to treat back pain (2) Physical therapy for back pain (3) information on senior doctors to treat back pain (4) and various treatments for back pain .therapy for back pain (5) The causes of back pain Tutorials (6) lower back pain pain upper back pain .center of the back .Information we come out of specialists and .senior doctors and prime locations .specialized in the treatment of back pain Put General Information and not any copyrights and mention source on other sites .But all these topics to sing about consulting a doctor continued Disclaimer.
Disclaimer : All content within (Back pain) Health is provided for general information only, and should not be treated as a substitute for the medical advice of your own doctor or any other health care professional. The (Back pain) is not responsible or liable for any diagnosis made by a user based on the content of the (Back pain) Health website. The (Back pain) is not liable for the contents of any external internet sites listed, nor does it endorse any commercial product or service mentioned or advised on any of the sites.Always consult your own GP if you're in any way concerned about your health.
What Is A Herniated Disc /Scoliosis Brace /Early Detection of Aortic valve stenosis, Early Treatment!
What Is A Herniated Disc
In a herniated disc, part of the disc shifts and irritates the nearby nerve. Herniated discs are common among the age group of 30 to 40 years. A disc becomes weak with age or after an injury. In a herniated disk, the nucleus tissue generally located in the center of the disk is forced out. For more information on "what is a herniated disc", read.
If the disc moves in any direction except the direction in which the nerves are, the pain is minimal. But, the spinal canal into which the movement takes place has limited space, hence the herniated disc is pressed against the spinal nerves. This results in the symptoms of numbness, pain or weakness in the lower back or leg. The herniated disc is the cause of lower back pain and leg numbing, mid back pain and even pain in back of head.
A herniated disc causes pain, loss of feeling, tingling, or muscle weakness. Non Steroidal Anti-inflammatory Drugs (NSAIDs) are often used for relieving back pain. If the pain is really severe, your doctor may prescribe medications for back pain such as Codeine. Exercises for back pain help in back pain treatment as an easily available pain therapy. The specially designed chair for back pain can also be used for back pain remedy.Some other things that may help, include:
1) Holding an object close to the body when carrying it.
2) Bending the knees and hips when lifting something and keeping the back straight.
3) Good posture.
4) Avoiding sleeping on the stomach.===
What Is A Herniated Disc /Scoliosis Brace /Early Detection of Aortic valve stenosis, Early Treatment!
Scoliosis Brace
Scoliosis is one of the most complicated disorders of the spine. The deformity of the spine has a disfiguring result on your back. In a ratio of men and women, it has been found that for one man there are four female victims of this congenital disorder. The spine curvature degree, if more than 20 degrees, is considered scoliosis with greater intensity. The spine having larger curves tends to progress more than smaller curves. Children who have delayed skeletal maturity are more prone to the progression of the spine. Scoliosis with greater curvature has a tendency to progress to more than 70 degrees, giving a disfiguring shape to the back.
After diagnosis of scoliosis, your doctor would decide whether you need scoliosis brace or not.
Sometimes, the scoliosis stops at a certain point. It grows fast when a child tends to move towards adolescence. The braces meant for scoliosis depends on the curvature and the type of progression. Basically, it is meant to check the growth of the curvature and to shape the spine. Scoliosis braces gives a firm support to the back and exerts pressure on the bend of the spine to resist its progression. You cannot make a choice of the braces; it is your doctor who will decide what kind of brace would fit you most.
The braces are known by different names due to their shape and function.
Thoracolumbosacral Orthosis (TLSO)
Also called 'Boston Brace'. Underarm is another name of this brace that can be easily worn under the clothes. The brace applies a three-point pressure to your scoliosis curvature.
Cervicothoracolumbosacral Orthosis
Also called Milwaukee Brace and is almost identical to TLSO. You need to wear it for 22 to 23 hours a day. If the curve of the spine is near the thoracic region, this kind of brace is prescribed.
What Is A Herniated Disc /Scoliosis Brace /Early Detection of Aortic valve stenosis, Early Treatment!
Early Detection of Aortic valve stenosis, Early Treatment!
Background: Subclavian steal phenomenon (SSP) refers to subclavian artery steno-occlusive disease proximal to the origin of the vertebral artery and is associated with flow reversal in the vertebral artery. In 1960, Reivich recognized the association between this phenomenon and neurologic symptoms while in 1961, Contorni described retrograde flow in the vertebral artery. Fisher dubbed this combination of retrograde vertebral flow and neurologic symptoms subclavian steal syndrome (SSS), suggesting that blood is stolen by the ipsilateral vertebral artery from the contralateral vertebral artery. It was later suggested that such "steal" may cause brainstem ischemia and stroke, either continuously or secondary to arm exercise.
The term SSS may be defined for retrograde vertebral artery flow associated with transient neurologic symptoms related to cerebral ischemia. SSP refers to retrograde flow in the vertebral artery only. First diagnosed angiographically in the early 1960s, SSS is now most commonly diagnosed during Doppler ultrasound (US) examination of the neck arteries.
Pathophysiology: The primary lesion causing vertebral artery flow reversal is proximal subclavian artery stenosis or occlusion, resulting in decreased blood pressure in the arm distal to the steno-occlusive disease. This pressure reduction initially causes ipsilateral vertebral artery blood flow alteration provided the subclavian disease is proximal to the origin of the vertebral artery.
Ultimately, a flow reversal occurs in the ipsilateral vertebral artery as compensatory collateral to the compromised vascular territory beyond the subclavian steno-occlusive lesion. Other potential collateral pathways are those between the external carotid artery (ECA) and the subclavian artery, from the occipital branch of the ECA to the deep cervical branch of the costocervical trunk, and from the superior thyroid artery of the ECA to the inferior thyroid artery branch of the thyrocervical trunk.
Classification of subclavian steal can be defined by territory from which blood is stolen, as described by Vollmar et al. Vollmar recognized four types of subclavian steal: vertebro-vertebral, carotid-basilar, external carotid-vertebral and carotid-subclavian (can only occur with occlusion of brachiocephalic artery). Another classification is based on vertebral artery hemodynamics as described by Branchereau and colleagues. Hemodynamic abnormalities ranged from reduced antegrade vertebral flow (stage I), reversal of flow during reactive hyperemia testing of the arm (stage II), and permanent retrograde vertebral flow (stage III). The three stages correlate with disease severity with stage III, usually indicating subclavian artery occlusion.
Arm symptoms may be provoked by an increased blood flow requirement to the compromised upper extremity (eg. during arm exercise or after producing peripheral reactive hyperemia by arm cuff inflation), or, alternatively, by limiting vertebral compensatory flow to the subclavian artery (eg during neck movements).
Subclavian steno-occlusive disease produces neurologic symptoms when compensatory flow to the subclavian artery from the vertebral artery diverts too much flow toward the arm and away from intracranial structures. The quality of collateral blood supply and the capacity to increase collateral flow to the intracranial circulation (brainstem in particular) may be the principle determinant as to which patient develops neurologic symptomatology.
What Is A Herniated Disc /Scoliosis Brace /Early Detection of Aortic valve stenosis, Early Treatment!
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