
Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Pulmonic Stenosis! / Sacroiliac Back Ache / Stenosis of the Spine

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 Pulmonic Stenosis! / Sacroiliac Back Ache / Stenosis of the Spine
Pulmonic Stenosis!

 Pulmonary Stenosis or pulmonic stenosis is an inherited disease which a person gets from the birth. This disease is the outcome of the retarded development of the fetal heart. If the fetus of the child undergoes retarded heart growth in the first eight weeks of the pregnancy, the child suffers from pulmonary stenosis.

In the normal process, the circulation of blood is from the right ventricle. Blood is pumped from the right side of the heart to obtain oxygen. This pure blood goes to the left side from where it is pumped to the entire body. In the case of pulmonary stenosis, the flow of blood is obstructed and this obstruction is generally caused due to the problem in the functioning of the pulmonary valve. As a result of this obstruction, the heart experiences stress in pumping the blood and it has to labor more to carry on the normal processes. Due to this stress and exertion on the heart, pulmonary stenosis may be caused resulting in at times the failure of your heart. Pulmonary stenosis is generally caused in all the species. It is a congenital disease and can happen to anyone at the time of his fetal development.

Symptoms of Pulmonary stenosis:

 The common symptoms of this disease include the jugular venous distention. Another symptom of this disease is cyanosis which causes nail bleeds. The general symptom of this disease is the lowering of the oxygen level of the blood. If your case is not severe, your disease may remain unnoticed for several years, however, in case of severity, it may cause fainting and dizziness.

The medical science has discovered four types of pulmonary stenosis states which are mentioned below:

* Valvar pulmonary stenosis: In this disease, the valve leaf lets of the pulmonary valve becomes thick and obstructs the free flow of the blood.

* Supravalvar pulmonary stenosis: In this disease, the pulmonary artery that is just above the pulmonary valve gets narrowed and it in turn obstructs the free functioning of the pulmonary valve and leads to stress on the heart.

* Subvalvar pulmonary stenosis: In this disease, the thickening of the muscles under the valve area restricts the free functioning of the heart which results in the narrow outflow of the blood from the right ventricle. The heart needs to work harder to pump the blood.

* Branch peripheral Pulmonary stenosis: In this disease, the narrowing takes place in wither the left or the right pulmonary artery. In some cases, both the arteries may get narrowed.

Pulmonary stenosis is an alarming disease which needs to be treated as soon as it is detected or else it may cause the patient's heart to fail. You need to consult a physician once you come to know the presence of this disease in your child.

Sacroiliac Back Ache

 Sacroiliac joint disability is one of the causes contributing to back ache. Sacroiliac back ache is very common among woman. The disease is curable but great care and attention is required. This pain could be better controlled by exercises.

One of the major reasons of back pain is Sacroiliac Joint Dysfunction. This is quite frequent among young and middle aged women. Lumbar Disc Herniation pain and this Sacroiliac back ache are of similar type and intensity. This Sacroiliac joint is positioned next to the spine and links Sacrum with Pelvis. It is a small joint that facilitates forces coming from upper body to the pelvis and legs. To know more about this joint disability, read. The pain is caused because of:

Excess mobility or instability of joints or due to very little movement of it. The area of pain is usually low back or buttocks, which can also radiate down the leg and sometimes can even extend to the ankle or foot. Diagnosing the Sacroiliac Joint Dysfunction is much of an ordeal, which is normally done through physical examination and injections.

 Joint movement is visualized by a doctor in order to confirm Sacroiliac Joint Dysfunction. Many tests could be used to know other indicators of the malady. The disease could also be diagnosed through injections. A Sacroiliac Joint Injection which is also called Sacroiliac joint block or an arthrogram is used for the purpose. It needs penetrating a needle into the exact location of the sacroiliac joint.

It could be treated through Sarcioliac joint injection. Relieving back pain in this case may need alternative back pain therapy such as water therapy. Special back pain exercises could be of great help. Although, back pain medication could be sought for immediate relief, it usually causes lower left back pain. So, back pain support could also prove helpful.
Stenosis of the Spine

 Stenosis of the spine is a condition which involves both the nerves of the spinal area and the bony structures known as the vertebrae. These vertebrae provide protect the nerves in the spinal column. The nerves in the spinal column  carry information between the body and the brain. Spinal stenosis is a state in which the openings of the vertebrae are narrowed. The nerves move through these openings. The narrowing of the column leads to the compression of the nerves. As a result the normal functioning of the nerves is impaired.

There are some people who have quite narrow spinal canals and there are some people who develop this problem of spinal stenosis at later stages of their life. This problem mainly arises because of the ossification of the posterior longitudinal ligament. Some people have spinal stenosis right from  birth. In such cases the spinal canal is congenitally narrow.

The nerves pass through the spinal canal and these nerves go out from there through the wide space between the spinal bones or vertebrae. When the neural canal becomes narrow or obstructed then you are said to have spinal stenosis. The symptoms  depend on the nerves that are affected. Cervical spinal stenosis affects the neck region and it involves either the spinal cord or the spinal nerves.

Causes of spinal stenosis:

 -You can be born with the problem.
 -Injury that causes fractures, slipped discs or other types of trauma to the vertebrae.
 -Medical conditions like Paget's disease. In this disease, deviant bone metabolism leads to deformation  
 of the vertebrae.
 -Degenerative diseases like arthritis.
 -Scoliosis or other such conditions.

Symptoms of the problem:

If the problem involves spinal nerves then you will experience numbness, pain, weakness and tingling in the neck, arms and shoulders.

If the problem involves the spinal cord then you will experience difficulty in walking and uncoordinated movement of your legs. 

Treatment for stenosis of spine:
The treatment of spinal stenosis includes anti-analgesic and anti- inflammatory medication. The medicines continue as long as the pain persists. If the  doctors are not able to treat through medication then surgery is the only remaining option.

Nowadays many advanced methods of treatment have been devised. Sometimes the doctors perform the surgery using an endoscope rather than using the old and traditional methods of performing the surgery.
 Pulmonic Stenosis! / Sacroiliac Back Ache / Stenosis of the Spine

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